The European Green Deal (EGD), the main plan of the EU to combat climate change and achieve climate neutrality, was devised by the European Council and the European Commission. The Commission first suggested a set of goals that should be accomplished by 2030.
In order to prepare for the EGD’s implementation, the European Commission published a set of policy recommendations called “Fit for 55.” Fit for 55 specifically intends to cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by at least 55% by 2030.
The Fit for 55 package gives the preparation road to meet the aims of the EGD, whereas the EGD is a general action plan to combat climate change. By 2030, this plan specifically seeks to cut GHG emissions by 55%.
The following are some of the package’s main goals:
Solidarity issues and ensuring environmental integrity
The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) will be improved and tightened, assisting in ensuring effort sharing with pertinent aims.
New regulations will aid in implementing carbon taxes.
The goal of all carbon pricing revenues is to affect consumers favourably.