Former Prime Minister Imran Khan received a 14-year prison sentence on Friday. His wife, Bushra Bibi, was handed a seven-year term. The case relates to alleged corruption and misuse of authority involving the Al-Qadir Trust. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) charged the couple with making a quid pro quo deal with property tycoon Malik Riaz.
Court Delivers Verdict After Delays
Judge Nasir Javed Rana announced the verdict at Adiala Jail, Rawalpindi. The court imposed fines of Rs1 million on Khan and Rs500,000 on Bushra Bibi. The case decision was delayed three times before the final announcement. The accountability court had reserved the verdict in December last year.
Accusations of Mismanagement
NAB accused Khan of enabling Malik Riaz to launder $239 million. The funds, recovered by the UK’s National Crime Agency, were redirected unlawfully. NAB alleged the misuse of state funds caused losses to the national treasury.
The charge sheet claims the PTI government gave legal cover to Riaz’s illicit wealth. Khan and Bushra Bibi allegedly acquired valuable land for the Al-Qadir Trust through the deal. The trust was supposed to establish a nonprofit institute for the poor.
Defense Calls the Case Politically MotivatedÂ
Faisal Fareed Chaudhry, Khan’s lawyer, called the decision baseless. He argued NAB failed to show financial loss or personal gain by Khan or Bushra Bibi. He labeled the case a political witch-hunt.
PTI officials echoed Chaudhry, stating the case had no solid evidence. They claimed all witness testimonies supported the innocence of Khan and his wife. The party expects the verdict to collapse during appeals.
Past Convictions and Political Turmoil
This is the fourth conviction for Khan in major cases since 2023. Earlier cases included charges of selling state gifts and leaking state secrets. All previous convictions were overturned or suspended. Despite this, Khan remains imprisoned with dozens of cases still pending.
Khan first faced arrest in the Al-Qadir Trust case in May 2023. Nationwide protests followed, with supporters rioting across multiple cities. Khan and his allies have repeatedly described these cases as politically driven persecution.
Impact on PTI and Political Landscape
The verdict coincides with ongoing negotiations between the PTI and the government. Talks aimed to resolve political tensions and possibly secure Khan’s release. Political analyst Majid Nizami warned the conviction might derail these efforts.
Nizami noted the Al-Qadir Trust case involved extensive documentation. Thousands of pages of evidence and 100 hearings preceded the verdict. He believes irregularities in the case required investigation but cautioned against political victimization.
Internal divisions within PTI may resurface following the conviction. Factions favoring resistance might gain prominence, pushing PTI towards more aggressive tactics.
Future Uncertain Amid Political Tensions
Khan’s conviction adds to Pakistan’s history of using legal cases as political tools. Critics argue the focus remains on vendettas rather than justice. The verdict’s impact on PTI’s strategy and the country’s political stability remains uncertain.
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