According to the UN’s 100-day report, up to eight million people need medical help as disease epidemics soar in flood-ravaged areas.
Over 2.3 million homes nationwide have been lost, and 900,000 have suffered damage. Pakistan needs $816 million in total, of which $171 million has been provided to meet its demands. However, support has been given to the 9.5 million flood victims. Not only that, but the winter season is quickly approaching, and in a few weeks the impacted people will be seriously impacted by the cold weather conditions, necessitating proper shelter and non-food items like tents and blankets. Fluvial water
Approximately 8 million flood victims require medical care (WHO). Due to floods in Pakistan, more than 3.5 million children’s education has been disrupted. The National Disaster Management Authority reports that 12,800 people were injured and nearly 1,700 people killed. In the nation, 4.4 million acres of crops are still affected.